
I am a Researcher at VTI and I am also affiliated to IFN. I obtained my Ph.D. in Economics in May 2024 from Lund University, where I continue teaching International Economics.

My research interests lie in applied work at the intersection of International, Transport, and Labor Economics.

Olga Lark


International Economics Transport Economics Labor Economics Gender Economics Innovation Urban and Regional Economics

Do Exporters Import Gender Inequality?

with Josefin Videnord new draft

We examine whether exposure to gender inequality at export destinations affects the gender wage gap in exporting firms. We motivate the analysis through a stylized model where wages depend on worker productivity, and men have a comparative advantage when trading with gender-unequal countries due to customer discrimination. Empirically, we use high-quality matched employer-employee data from Sweden and calculate how exposed firms are to country-level gender inequality through their export destinations. Although increased export intensity on average leads to a wider within-firm gender wage gap, the effect is entirely driven by trade with gender-unequal countries; we find no impact on the gender wage gap when firms increase their exports to countries with gender-equality levels close to that of Sweden. Female managers, who are most likely to interact with foreign customers, experience the most pronounced negative relative wage effects.

Foreign Ownership and Transferring of Gender Norms

with Daniel Halvarsson and Patrik Tingvall working paper

We study foreign ownership as a vehicle for transferring gender norms across international borders. Specifically, we analyze how the within-firm gender wage gap in Sweden is affected by the degree of gender inequality in the home country of foreign investors. The results suggest that gender norms of the home country matter— the wage gap between men and women in foreign-owned subsidiaries appears to increase with the degree of gender inequality prevailing in the investors’ home market. The finding is identified from within job spell variation in wages and remains robust across a series of specifications.

Revise & Resubmit at the Canadian Journal of Economics

Bargaining for Trade: When Exporting Becomes Detrimental to Female Wages

with Daniel Halvarsson, Patrik Tingvall, and Josefin Videnord working paper

In this paper, we study exports and how the associated need for communication with foreign partners shapes the gender wage gap. Specifically, we examine how the demand for interpersonal skills in trade and gender-specific differences in negotiations are related to the remuneration of men and women. Our key finding is that export of goods that are intensive in interpersonal contacts widens the gender wage gap. The negative wage effect is robust across various specifications and is most pronounced for domestic exporting firms, which mainly deal with external contractors. We ascribe this result to a male comparative advantage in bargaining—a skill that is especially needed and rewarded when serving foreign markets, where intense contracting problems manifest themselves.

Current projects

Import Competition and Firm Innovation: A Spatial Approach Using Swedish Manufacturing Data


In this paper, I explore how exposure to import competition across different geographical aggregations affects the innovation activity of firms in the Swedish manufacturing sector. I utilize detailed geographical information on the location of manufacturing firms in Sweden and analyze whether increased competitive pressure from abroad triggers a different response in firms’ innovation at the national, regional, local labor market, and municipality levels. By exploiting exogenous shocks in the foreign export supply of intermediate manufacturing goods, I find the most pronounced effects at the municipality and local labor market levels, which are consistently negative across different innovation metrics.

Rural Neighborhoods, Population, and Food Retail: A Study of Codependency in the Swedish Context

with Johan Klaesson and Özge Öner

Most western economies have experienced rapid urbanization over the past decades. Sweden is one of the countries where a clear majority of municipalities are declining in population and facing challenges induced by urbanization. In this paper, we study one such challenge: scarce access to food retailing. In the existing literature, areas short of food retailers are often referred to as food deserts, and the implications of having low access to this vital amenity have been carefully scrutinized. However, we still know very little about the codependency between food retailing and changes in population. The simultaneous causality makes it hard to infer the magnitude of the effect of population decline on retailer survival, likewise the impact of retailer on place attractiveness. Using full population data on retail establishments and individuals in Sweden, we fill the literature gap by examining the simultaneity between the decline in local food retailers and the population decline.


Halvarsson, D., Lark, O., Tingvall, P.G., Vahter, P. and Videnord, J. (2023). Do gender norms travel within corporations? The impact of foreign subsidiaries on the home country's gender wage gap. Applied Economics Letters.



International Economics (undergraduate level, in Swedish and English)

Lecturer and Course Coordinator
Fall 2022 – Fall 2024

International Economics (undergraduate level)

Teaching assistant
Fall 2019 – Spring 2022

Mathematical Methods for Economics (undergraduate level)

Lecturer and Teaching Assistant
Fall 2019 – Spring 2022


Olga Lark
The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute
Bruksgatan 8
SE-222 36 Lund
